SCRA Home Page
About Us

Cowboys and Cowgirls with Developmental Disabilities
The SCRA Rodeo is a 501 c3 Non profit organization

In 1997 the Special Cowboys Rodeo Association held the first ever all handicapped Rodeo for children and adults with Developmental Disabilities.  Rodeo was held with 17 participants, and to date has over 400 members, and growing. There is no fee for participation and no experience needed, horses and cowboys are provided at the rodeos. All ages and levels of disability are wanted.
Mike and Dani, Dani is a sweet littel girl with Cerebral Palsy and a HUGE smile

Donations are welcomed in many forms, horses, tack, trailers, equipment, fence supplies, corral panels, horse feed, arena use, trophies, awards, etc, and monetary donations as well, tax deductable reciepts can be given for your donations.

We have over 400 members to date and grow all the time and have participants from many different areas of group homes, special education, therapeutic riding facilities, rehabilitation centers, etc.

Volunteers from all over come to help load kids on horses, walk with, ride with, work in the concession and anything they can help with, it is with the help of our volunteers that the rodeos are a bigger hit each time.

Participants are of all ages and all aspects of disability, we have as young as 2 years old up to 60 years old, from Cerebral Palsy, Brain tumors, Spina Bifida, Mental Retardation, Spinal Injuries, and many more. The SCRA will be glad to include as a participant anyone who is developmentally disabled in any way, and introduce you to the horse and a wonderful friend in the horse you will have, and many great people are involved in the SCRA, to become your extended family, friends and support group.

The SCRA is a sanctioned and registered rodeo, meaning it is as real as any other rodeo, only it is open only to those who have developmetal disabilities

Sponsors, Volunteers and Particpants are always needed!